Border Bistro - installation

A life-sized virtual Border Bistro
Installation 2013

After it was presented during the festival “Frontières” in the French town of Thionville, the “Border Bistro” web documentary was the object of an installation at the atelier “Der Kanal” in Berlin’s Neukölln district.

Playing on the ambiguity between real and virtual spaces, the installation provided a gateway to the universe captured by the website, transforming the locations into an actual bistro, a place of conviviality and dialogue. The installation was made possible by the support of the festival “Frontières” in Thionville and the team at “Der Kanal”.

On the same theme


Webdoc (2013)

In the same format


Installation (2016)

Border Bistro (installation)

Date: 2013 | Category: Exhibition | Partners / Funding bodies: Festival “Frontières – D’une langue à l’autre”, Der Kanal – Berlin

On the same theme  /  In the same format


Webdoc (2013)

Installation (2016)