LA GRANDE MARCHE Digital Library (2022) LA GRANDE MARCHE Exposition (2022) LA GRANDE MARCHE Film (2022) MAISON DE FRANCE 70 ANS MA PAROLE ! Exhibition (2020) BY MY SIDE Exhibition (2019) BORDER + | OUVERTURE Installation (2016) BORDER - HISTORY OF A TRANSFORMATION Exhibition (2016) DAS ANDERE DU Exhibition (2015) SHORT STORIES OF WAR Documentary theatre (2014) WORKSHOP FORENSIS - REFUGEES AND PROTEST Workshop (2014) SEIZING EUROPE series of institutional films (2013 -2014) BORDER BISTRO Webdoc (2013) BORDER BISTRO (installation) Installation (2013) MINE UTOPIA Documentary theatre (2013) ARCHITECTURE AND IDEOLOGY Workshop (2012-2013) BORDER SPEAKING 2 Event (2011) THE DETOUR GOES ON TOUR Event (2011) THE DETOUR Digital library (2011) MOVING FRONTIERS Exhibition (2009) BORDER SPEAKING Event (2009) FRONTIER SURVEY Digital library (2007)