freeing the voices around Alzheimer through a traveling exhibition
Exhibition (2015)
The project “Das andere Du – Oma, Alzheimer und ich” (The other you – grandma, Alzheimer’s and me) came into being as the result of an encounter between Atelier Limo and the artist Maya Keifenheim, who spent months caring for her grandmother with Alzheimer’s disease.
From the digital drawings and texts created by Maya Keifenheim with the goal of sharing them with the relatives of Alzheimer’s patients, Atelier Limo designed a travelling exhibition based on a system of wooden poles anchored using plastic containers, allowing the 30 large format images to be flexibly displayed in the healthcare facilities that hosted the exhibition.
From September 2013 to 2015, “Das andere Du” was presented 15 times at different locations in Hamburg and Berlin.
website of the project :
Format similaire:
Event (2009)
Installation (2016)
Date: 2013-2015 | Category: Exhibition | Partners /Funding bodies: Maya Keifenheim, Homann-Stiftung, Alzheimer- Gesellschaft Berlin e.V., Elisabeth Kleber Stiftung, Alzheimer Gesellschaft Hamburg e.V., Hamburgische Brücke
In the same format