Limo means border in Esperanto. Borders are a common thread running through our work, from the survey of 237 border posts along the former Schengen border in 2006 before they were shut down, to the documentary “The return of borders” (Le retour des frontiers), co-produced with ARTE in 2018.

Europe, memory, identity and environment are among the other recurring themes in our work, which includes web projects, documentary theatre, exhibitions, installations, workshops and events such as the projects “The detour”, involving Finland, Russia and Estonia, or “J’aime ma lagune” in the town of Abidjan in Ivory Coast.
Furthermore, Atelier Limo has been involved in numerous collaborations in the field of research and communication. Whether on a contract basis or in the course of a long-term partnership, we work with our partners to develop innovative tools for sharing and dissemination of knowledge to a wide audience.

Limo means border in Esperanto. Borders are a common thread running through our work, from the survey of 237 border posts along the former Schengen border in 2006 before they were shut down, to the documentary “The return of borders” (Le retour des frontiers), co-produced with ARTE in 2018.

Europe, memory, identity and environment are among the other recurring themes in our work, which includes web projects, documentary theatre, exhibitions, installations, workshops and events such as the projects “The detour”, involving Finland, Russia and Estonia, or “J’aime ma lagune” in the town of Abidjan in Ivory Coast.
Furthermore, Atelier Limo has been involved in numerous collaborations in the field of research and communication. Whether on a contract basis or in the course of a long-term partnership, we work with our partners to develop innovative tools for sharing and dissemination of knowledge to a wide audience.

atelier limo

Nicolas Pannetier
was born in Bordeaux (FR) in 1977.
After graduating in architecture from ENSAPL in Lille (France) in 2007, Nicolas spent a year at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) as a visiting student in the Visual Anthropology seminar. He is one of the two founding members of Atelier Limo.
A cameraman, editor and director of documentary films, Nicolas is also a talented graphic artist. He has designed and illustrated web documentaries including Border Bistro and The Detour, in addition to a number of websites. Also a gifted musician and sound designer, he brings an additional creative touch to the Atelier’s productions. His musical compositions include the original soundtrack to the documentary “The return of borders”, broadcast on ARTE in October 2018.

Simon Brunel
was born in Boulogne sur mer in 1982.
After graduating in architecture from ENSAPL in Lille (France) in 2007, Simon spent a year at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) as a visiting student in the Visual Anthropology seminar. He is one of the two founding members of Atelier Limo.
Besides writing and directing documentary films, Simon has produced and managed numerous international projects, of which The Detour, which took place in Finland, Russia and Estonia, and the travelling event Border Speaking, which crossed Europe from the Baltic to the Adriatic, are just two examples. He is interested in the interplay between research, communication and documentary filmmaking, and has been an associate member of the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin since 2017.
atelier limo

Nicolas Pannetier
né à Bordeaux (FR) en 1977. Architecte de l’ENSAPL de Lille (2007) puis invité de l’université Européenne Viadrina de Frankfurt/Oder (DE) au sein du séminaire d’Anthropologie Visuelle (2007-2008), Nicolas est un des deux fondateurs de l’Atelier Limo.
Outre la co-réalisation des films de l’Atelier, Nicolas a concu le design et les illustrations de webdocumentaires tel Border Bistro et Le Détour. Également musicien et sound-designer, il apporte aux créations de l’Atelier une touche créative supplémentaire. Il est entre autres l’auteur de la bande son du documentaire „Le retour des frontières“ diffusé sur ARTE en octobre 2018.

Simon Brunel
né à Boulogne-sur-Mer en 1982. Architecte de l’ENSAPL de Lille (2007) puis invité de l’université Européenne Viadrina de Frankfurt/Oder (DE) au sein du séminaire d’Anthropologie Visuelle (2007-2008), Simon est un des deux fondateurs de l’Atelier Limo.
Parallèlement à son travail d’écriture et la réalisation de films documentaires, Simon est producteur et manager de nombreux projets internationaux: Le Détour en Finlande, Russie et Estonie et l’événement itinérant Border Speaking qui a parcouru l’Europe de la Baltique à l’Adriatique ne sont que deux exemples parmi d’autres. Intéressé par l’interaction entre recherche, communication et film documentaire, il est depuis 2017 membre associé de l’institut de recherche en sciences sociales Centre Marc Bloch de Berlin.