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Atelier Limo
Documentary Films
La Grande Marche (Film)
The Return of Frontiers
J’aime ma lagune
The Detour
The barriers within
Exhibitions, web and more
La Grande Marche (www.)
La Grande Marche (Exhibition)
Border +
Architecture and ideology
Border – history of a transformation
Das andere Du
Short stories of war
Workshop Forensis
Seizing Europe
Border Bistro
Border Bistro (installation)
Mine utopia
Border Speaking 2
The Detour Goes On Tour
The Detour (digital library)
Border Speaking
Moving frontiers
Frontier survey
Maison de France, 70 ans ma parole !
By my Side
// About //
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Documentary Films
La Grande Marche (Film)
The Return of Frontiers
J’aime ma lagune
The Detour
The barriers within
Exhibitions, web and more
La Grande Marche (www.)
La Grande Marche (Exhibition)
Border +
Architecture and ideology
Border – history of a transformation
Das andere Du
Short stories of war
Workshop Forensis
Seizing Europe
Border Bistro
Border Bistro (installation)
Mine utopia
Border Speaking 2
The Detour Goes On Tour
The Detour (digital library)
Border Speaking
Moving frontiers
Frontier survey
Maison de France, 70 ans ma parole !
By my Side
// About //
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documentary theatre